Centennial Wheel: What you need to know before you roll
The Centennial Wheel. Photograph: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer

Chicago's newest landmark, the Centennial Cycle, already being called America's side by side great Bike, is a welcome addition to our 2nd to none skyline.

The completion of the towering 200-foot wheel celebrates the 100th-twelvemonth anniversary of Navy Pier—thus the name, "Centennial Bike."

It is only fitting that Chicago as the birthplace of the very first Ferris cycle, is home to this amazing structure that is a central function in Navy Pier's Centennial Vision, which also includes Polk Bros Fountain and Plaza, new boat ramps, redevelopment of park infinite, new interiors, restaurants, a hotel, reconfiguration of entry roadways and more.

Demolition began on the original Navy Pier Ferris Wheel on September 28, 2015.

The challenges in building the new Centennial Bike were many. In role, because of its size and location.

The new structure which is twice as heavy as its predecessor required a specific structure sequence utilizing two 250-ton cranes and 1 100-ton crane. Typically with a smaller wheel a 500-ton crane would be brought in to cock the bike's spokes, legs and gondolas.

The James McHugh Structure Co. whose work includes Chicago icons such equally Marina City, the Blackstone Hotel and Aqua Belfry was brought in to handle the task. They needed to consider the load capacity of the 100-year one-time Pier and the location of the cycle on a slab over the parking garage.

View looking out of a gondola at the wheel's structure. Photo: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer

View looking out of a gondola at the wheel's structure. Photo: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer

Other challenges included the high and extreme winds that have to exist taken into consideration when building a wheel that volition be operating year-round in Chicago's predictably child-bearing climate.

"Information technology was a perfectly orchestrated ballet," explained Tom Conroy, senior projection manager for McHugh Construction. Conroy also explained how winds of five MPH in downtown could equate to more than 30 MPH on the Pier.

The Cycle officially opens to the public today at apex with a host of Grand Opening activities. The climate-controlled wheel is designed to keep passengers comfortable twelvemonth round.

The views are spectacular–make sure to bring a photographic camera. Hither's a preview.


Looking downward on the tilt-a-whirl.

Photo: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer

Photograph: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer

The view from above, looking south.

Photo: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer

Photo: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer

Aerial view of Navy Pier and the lake looking eastward.

Photo: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer

Photo: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer

View out the gondola window, looking n.

Photo: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer

Photo: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer

A view of the inside of the roomy eight-passenger gondola.

Photo: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer

Photo: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer

View from basis level.

npwheel14The typical Centennial ride lasts approximately 12 to 15 minutes for three complete revolutions of the cycle.

Costless Rides

Complimentary rides volition be offered June 14 & 28 and August 9 & 23, 10 a.thousand. to noon.

Premium Wheel Feel                                                                                                                                                                                     (with special commemorative ticket)

Individual four-person glass-bottom gondola, per person, $50
Individual four-person glass-bottom gondola, per gondola, $200

Centennial Wheel Fast Pass

Hate waiting? Become a fast laissez passer for $25


Nightly the Ferris wheel volition be a buoy as it lights up Chicago's skyline. Many special events, TBA, will exist held in conjunction with the Cycle yr-round.

Most the Wheel

The about 200-foot wheel is 50 feet taller than its predecessor. It accommodates 420 passengers–180 more the former bicycle–and features 42 temperature controlled gondolas that enable it to be both comfy and operational 365 days twelvemonth.


525 Tons | Weight of Centennial Bike, twice the weight of the former Ferris cycle
196 Feet | Peak of Centennial Cycle
120 Feet | Length of each of the half-dozen legs of Wheel
36,000-60,000 Pounds | Weight of the half dozen legs of Wheel
95 Feet | Length of each of 21 spokes on Wheel
500 | Cubic yards of concrete used
50 | Tons of steel used, non including Wheel
333,000 Pounds | Combined weight of the Cycle'due south six master support columns and the axel
22,000 Pounds | Weight of each goggle box screen on either side of the center axel
48,000 Pounds | Weight of the eye axel, the heaviest crane load installed on Wheel
150 Feet | Depth of eight micropiles installed below the Pier park to ground Bicycle
500+ | Number of McHugh employees and subcontractors responsible for the build
50+ | Number of Chicagoland subcontractors engaged by McHugh for project
25,000+ | Total build hours
$26.five Meg | Total toll of Cycle + construction
5 | Number of cranes used to assemble Cycle
1.2 Million Pounds | Full lifting capacity of cranes used to assemble Bike

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