
How Long Does Cake Last In Freezer

If you have leftover cake, the last thing you desire to do is throw abroad all that deliciousness. Leftovers from a party or block baked in advance will stay fresh earlier it is used. But like all food, block won't last forever. It volition eventually go bad or become dangerous to eat.

The shelf life of cake depends on its preparation method and how it is stored. Typically, a cake tin can last upwardly to four days without going bad or stale. When stored in the fridge, it tin last up to 5 or seven days. Frozen cake lasts longer only is best consumed after 2 to 3 months in the freezer.

Cakes are best kept in a absurd, dry place in a block container like ane of these, and stored in the refrigerator.

The rest of this article will cover in particular how long different types of cake last and ways to properly store them. If you besides want to larn how to place bad or spoiled cake and what happens when you eat old cake, read on.

A Wrapped Cake in the Fridge or Freezer

How Long Before Block Goes Bad?

If you've ever tasted freshly broiled cake, you lot'll know that block is best eaten within 24 hours of making it. The moisture content reduces with fourth dimension, and its texture becomes drier. The only exception is fruitcake, which can final up to a year in the freezer and for several months in the fridge. This is because it contains a high amount of alcohol and stale fruit.

Cakes that contain wet ingredients or icings like cream, custard fillings, fresh fruit, or fruit compotes should be eaten equally shortly every bit possible. The icing on this type of cake will make it spoil faster, so information technology must exist refrigerated or frozen to preserve it for longer.

When stored in the fridge, cakes with buttercream frosting or ganache topping can last up to a week. Freshly broiled chocolate cake tin too stay upwards to 1 calendar week in the refrigerator without going bad.

Store-bought cakes that contain preservatives last a bit longer than homemade cakes. Usually, these kinds of cakes last near 5 to 7 days and will go dried rather than spoiling or rotting.

How to Tell if Cake Has Gone Bad?

Your senses are the nigh reliable instruments to utilize when checking for signs of food spoilage. When it comes to block, yous can easily tell from its appearance, texture, or scent if information technology'south still safe to swallow. Here'due south how to place bad or spoiled cake.

Check Its Appearance

The best way to know if a block is still good is to perform a visual bank check. If you find mold on the cake, it is an obvious sign of spoilage. While y'all may want to scrape off the parts with mold, the USDA says moldy food can have invincible bacteria growing within it. In some cases, toxins tin spread to every other role of the food.

If the cake has frosting, whatsoever dramatic change in its creaminess tin can indicate spoilage. If you lot tin can't tell from the exterior of the cake, cut into it and audit it thoroughly.

As well, cheque the texture of the cake. If information technology is difficult and dry, information technology indicates a loss of wet, and you lot should probably toss it. Some other sign of spoilage is when your cake feels mushy or slimy to the touch.

Olfactory property Information technology

If your cake appears okay and you're non sure if information technology's proficient, take a quick sniff. If it has a funky or sour smell, it's improve non to have the adventure of eating it. Information technology probably won't gustation good either.

Throw It Out

While eating leftover cake won't harm yous, yous must be extra careful even if nothing appears to be amiss. If you're non sure whether a piece of cake is safety to eat, it'due south ever best to err on the side of circumspection and assume that it is bad.

What Happens if Yous Eat Old Block?

Nobody likes to waste material adept nutrient, and old or expired cake is not left out. And so, what happens if yous swallow old or expired cake?

Store-bought cakes typically take an expiration date, a sell-by date, or a apply-by appointment. The sell-past date is a guideline used past the shop to avert selling stale goods. On the other mitt, the decease engagement or utilize-by date indicates that the cake must be eaten by that time.

If yous store your cake correctly and become by its expiry appointment for a solar day or two, there is no danger in eating it. However, if you inspect the cake, and information technology has, in fact, gone bad, eating it can expose you to harmful bacteria that put you in danger of food-borne disease.

Over again, it's always best to judge with your senses. Check for obvious signs of spoilage in its advent, aroma, and texture. If y'all notice anything that's off, discard it.

How to Store Dissimilar Types of Block

Cakes can be kept in a absurd, dry out place in a cake container, like this ane constitute on Amazon, but are best stored in the fridge.

Block stored in the refrigerator tin terminal up to 6 days, depending on its type. If you demand to preserve it long-term, store it in the freezer. Cake can last up to a year in the freezer, though it may have lost its texture and quality after four months.

Depending on how your cake and the icing is prepared, it may need a dissimilar storage requirement. Hither are methods you can apply to store some types of cakes and icing.

Buttercream and Fondant

When cake is frosted with buttercream and fondant, it tin can last up to 4 or 5 days at room temperature. When stored this way, an overturned basin or a cake stand up tin can be used to protect information technology from grit.

Store the cake in the refrigerator if the weather condition is hot. If you want to freeze it, wrap it in a foil or plastic wrap and place it in an airtight container, like this i on Amazon, earlier storing information technology in the freezer.

Cream Cheese and Whipped Foam Icing

Cakes with cream cheese and whipped cream frosting are very unstable and chop-chop become rancid in warm conditions. These types of cake should be stored in the fridge if you won't exist eating them immediately. Also, freezing them may not be the best pick as the texture of the frosting can modify when stored under such cold conditions.

Ganache Topping

Ganache topping is stored the same way every bit buttercream and fondant decorated cakes. Nonetheless, ganache toppings made with water cannot be stored in the freezer because it will aggrandize and produce pockets of air. This can cause changes in the appearance, gustatory modality, and smell of your cake and get in get stale faster.

Naked or Unfrosted Cake

Cakes that are not covered with icing or frosting must exist wrapped tightly in a plastic wrap or a plastic nothing-top handbag. Storing unfrosted cake this mode can keep it fresh for upward to four to 6 days at room temperature. Besides, an unfrosted block tin last for more a calendar month when stored in the freezer.

In this video, I explain how long block lasts and when information technology should be put in the fridge or freezer:


Cake can last upward to four days if it is stored properly. Keeping cake in the fridge can extend its shelf life to 5 or 7 days. If you plan to store cake long-term, proceed it in the freezer at 0°F (-18°C). It can terminal upward to a year in the freezer, but for quality sake, it should be consumed after 3 to 4 months.

You can tell if a cake has gone bad through its appearance, texture, and olfactory property. If you observe anything that's off, throw the block away.

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For more than, don't miss 10 Ways To Prolong The Shelf Life Of Cookies.

Helpful Related Products

For your convenience, I went ahead and listed my recommended products mentioned in the mail service here:

  • Cake Container
  • Freezer Safe Cake Container

How Long Does Cake Last In Freezer,


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