
How High Will Mavic Mini Fly

The kickoff DJI Mavic mini was an impressive slice of engineering that brought the drone weight down to merely 249 grams without compromising much on its flight capabilities.

To further improve the mini line, DJI introduced the Mini 2 a year afterward. Despite their smaller sizes, they have all the flight features found in loftier-terminate DJI drones.

But people frequently wonder about the DJI mini 2 max altitude and enquire how high can it really go with that small size.

Technically, the DJI mini 2 max distance can be as high equally 4500 meters (14763 feet) above bounding main level. It has a maximum take-off height of 4000 meters (13123 feet) and tin can fly as high every bit 500 meters (1640 feet) from that point.

Let's explore things in a scrap more detail and see how loftier can nosotros wing the DJI mini 2 while still resisting current of air and retaining command.

DJI Mini ii max distance limit

Past default, your DJI Mini 2 will be limited to flight up to the max altitude of 120 meters (394 feet). The reason behind this is that most countries effectually the earth including the US and Canada limit the max permissible height for drones to be 400 anxiety above the ground limit.

I have a detailed blog on how high can drones fly if you want to read further details.

As soon equally you achieve 394 feet or 120 meters, you will start seeing a alert on your screen about the max altitude limit (see photograph beneath)

DJI Mini 2 Max Altitude – How High Can It Go?

But you can alter this limit within the DJI Wing app and tin can set information technology to equally high every bit 500 meters. While doing that, make sure you lot are non putting any air traffic in danger and are non in violation of your local laws.

Technically speaking, you can get much much higher with your DJI Mini 2. Apart from the software blocking your ascend, at that place is naught stopping you from gaining further distance.

Your Mini 2 tin can generate enough elevator to get as high as 4500 meters or around 14,000 anxiety. That's very high. That'southward the altitude where helicopters normally wing.

As well read: Mavic Air ii Max Distance

How to become to max 4,500m altitude?

Now that we know our mini two tin fly as high every bit 4,500 meters from ocean level but is express by software, how can we go around this limitation and test the mini to its full capacity?

At that place are two ways you can become near this. Ane is a legal manner and the other is well non exactly illegal but – a hack.

The drone measures its altitude from the point it takes off. That accept-off point is marked every bit zero meters and the drone will fly to a maximum altitude set in the Fly App.

If y'all take off from the top of a building that is 60 meters high, you can wing to a maximum of 560 meters (500 + 60). Simply what if you take off from four,000 meters summit above sea level?

If you become to any mount resort, you tin easily gain a few thousand meters altitude from sea level. The DJI Mini 2 can take off from a maximum altitude of 4,000 meters.

So, if you lot notice a mountain resort that is 4,000 meters in distance from sea level, you can accept off from at that place and get as high as 500 meters making your total altitude from sea level an astounding 4,500 meters.

See a video from a user that attempts this at the Loveland Laissez passer in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado.

Some other way of doing this is hacking the DJI firmware and removing the altitude limit merely for obvious reasons, I am not going to tell yous how to practise this.

If you are feeling audacious and have some computer noesis, I am sure you lot will find a way. BUT, DON'T Practise It unless you can make absolutely certain you won't put yourself or anyone else in any danger.

Why tin can't DJI Mini 2 become higher up iv,500 meters?

4,500 meters is what the manufacturer says it can go. In practise, you might exist able to go above that on a practiced day. Just what are the factors that technically limit the DJI Mini 2 from going higher up and beyond?

The very first limitation is air density. Every bit you become loftier, the air gets thinner and thinner.

That's why, to generate more elevator to keep climbing, the motors accept to spin faster and faster drawing more current from the bombardment.

At a certain height, the air gets so much sparse that no thing how fast your motors and propellers spin, the drone won't exist able to generate enough lift to climb further.

Another reason is the temperature at high altitudes. When yous become high, the air gets colder (thin air retains less estrus hence low temperature).

This cold temperature negatively affects the drone'southward batteries as they cannot discharge fully when common cold. This limits how much power is available to your drone motors.

Why altitude limit on DJI Mini 2 software?

At this point, you must exist wondering why DJI has put an altitude limit on your DJI Mini ii if information technology tin can go every bit high as 4,500 meters?

Why not unlock the full potential of the drone and let users fly it to its fullest? There are a few good reasons for that.

  • LEGAL LIMITATION: In nearly all countries, there is a certain altitude limit on commercial and hobby drones to make sure they don't intrude on manned aircraft flying zone. In the US, you can fly your drone as high every bit 400 anxiety only not higher. Similar restrictions are in other countries as well. So, to be compliant, DJI has put a software lock on how high can you lot wing.
  • SAFETY: As discussed, the higher you go, the more y'all are putting manned flights at risk of collision. Manned flights operate to a higher place 500 feet by law (apart from the firsthand surroundings of an airport). That means, if you lot are flying above that tiptop, you are trespassing into a manned flight zone and risking a collision.
  • HIGH WIND: Current of air velocity increases equally you go higher. Although virtually drones are highly wind-resistant including your DJI Mini two (information technology offers level 5 wind resistance), information technology nonetheless can take so much. High wind tin destabilize your drone and can risk a crash.
  • ALL THE GOOD STUFF ARE BELOW 400 FEET: Well that's true. As you higher and higher, your view of the earth below gets dimmer. All the good views can exist recorded from below 400 anxiety so there is no betoken going above that meridian (apart from the fact that yous can then y'all have to)


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